“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people”. If your blood is beginning to boil upon reading this, then I applaud you on retaining your common sense. And if you still feel guilt, and shame, and the desire to seek out change wherever you may find it, I deeply revere your noble heart and kind spirit. We have forsaken not only ourselves, but the values which makes us human—we’ve inextricably bound ourselves to ideals and concepts that contradict life itself. Children and young minds alike have now become the martyrs of a foolhardy right to bear arms, their classrooms and libraries the new front lines in a war they never had a hand in. We point our fingers in blame and disgust to those in position of power, while somehow forgetting those who ushered them into that position in the first place. Ourselves. We, the people. And the change begins with each and everyone acknowledging the extent of where one’s faults may lead them, to have compassion beyond our very own flesh and into the soil beneath our feet, and handling each other with care. For without care, are we not scum of the earth?

Most companies tend to be reluctant in voicing their opinions on certain matters. And frankly, that is very understandable. In fact, we’re not entirely sure how many feathers we’re going to ruffle with this post. However, it is our highest belief that if what you’re reading here today can spark so much as a discourse between two people about gun violence, then we’ll chalk that up as a win. We here at Gomorrah strongly believe in action, which is why we’ll be donating a portion of this capsule’s proceeds to foundations advocating against gun violence. Your purchasing power here could mean a gun violence-free neighborhood, safe classrooms, a safe country for tomorrow’s children.

—with love


Solomon Aryee