
I believe in nothing. A God? Who knows? A universal truth? Unlikely. What makes sense to me is “nothing.” I couldn’t really tell you why I wake up every day and jump into the abyss we call life. I am unable to rationalize the day to day things that keep us going. Work, ambition, camaraderie; there is no conclusive reasoning behind any of this. I could get up right now and run straight into the woods, and why don’t I? Maybe it's me clinging on to some idea of humanity, or my wanting to give life some purpose. But rather than adhering to abstract concepts and theological explanations which fail logically, I believe “nothing” is what drives us. Nothing in the most complete understanding of it. Nothing as potential, or the opportunity in nothingness. Never are there more possibilities than when you start with nothing. I view life with little bias, because there is no angel or god to please. There's no limit to the kindness or empathy I could show, because everyone and everything is a blank slate. You take a concept such as karma, which boils down to “doing good reciprocates good, and doing bad the latter.” Or something like heaven, where there is reward for being moral. Being a good person, for all intents and purposes, is only a means to an end. My capacity to love has no limit—this is my present and afterlife. For me, there’s only the now. Tomorrow doesn’t exist, so all my mental efforts are focused on the here and now. The relationships and connections that arose from the nothingness of the beginning are the only things that make sense.

I couldn’t explain to you why I do a number of things, but here I am, doing shit. If you think about it, there is no concrete reason why you even exist. We’re all on this floating chunk of rock trying to make sense of it all. We are born from nothing, but from that, we have you and me—us. The nothing we come from is what grants us the chance to carve out our own piece of reason. Out of impossible odds and countless possibilities, from nothing, we have everything worth living for.

Samuel Mensah